Measure Calculation



Metrics are calculated by scraping the HTML test result pages which are generated by the back-end Linq queries. The purpose is to distill the tabular results down to a single figure, and add a traffic light colour.


In addition, the last 10 metrics are displayed in a sparkline to give a sense of the recent history.


Working Set

We are generally interested in the latest working set of data (i.e those of the last few days). To reduce clutter and increase loading speed, the list is initially limited to a configured number of tests. Older results are accessed via a chevron at the bottom of the list.

current working set

Daily Reruns

Tests are often rerun on the same day once corrections have been made. Clusters are displayed by stepping the list (omitting the name) for the same test on the same day.

stepped list

Data parsing


Both the file names and the contents are parsed for data. The file name gives the test type and date/time info. The content gives the metric data.

These are the key data models.

export interface IFileInfo {
  name: String;              // Full file name
  namePrefix?: String;       // File type (match to prefix)
  baseName?: String;         // File name preceding date
  sequenceNo?: Number;       // Used to group daily re-runs
  displayName?: String;      // Truncated name for stepped display
  effectiveDate: Date;       // Test date (from filename)
  effectiveTime?: String;    // Test time (from filename)
  lastModified?: Date;       // File timestamp
  lastRefresh?: String;      // Last time file was read from disk 
  content?: String;          // File contents
  metric?: Number | String;  // Calculated metric
  badgeColor?: String;       // Colour from metric value
export interface IMeasure {
  id: String;
  title: String;
  metric?: Number | String;
  color?: String;
  icon?: String;
  link?: String;
  history?: Number[];
  narrative?: String;

Process steps

The data.service provides file processing, with the help of the following sub-services,

  1. File list fetching (file.service.ts)
    Invokes http.get to fetch the file list, and handles pending flag and saving of the list to Redux store.

  2. File name parsing (name-parsing.service.ts)
    Converts each file name into a FileInfo object, separating out date, time and test type.

  3. File sorting and sequencing (list-formatter.service.ts)
    Files are sorted by date, type and time. A sequence number is applied to files of the same date and type, to group repeat runs on the same day.

  4. Content is fetched and metric extracted (format.service.ts and derived classes)
    The file itself is read (with FileService) and the metric value is extracted in a sub-class of FormatService.

Call sequence for file fetch and processing

Service sub-classing

Each page has 90% identical data initialization, except for a few methods. Therefore, the bulk of the code is in an abstract base class DataService which has abstract methods for the parts that differ.

For example, ValidationsDataService. Note that FormatService is also subclassed, so we pass the required type in the call to super()

export abstract class DataService {

  public abstract config$: Observable<any>;
  public abstract files$: Observable<IFileInfo[]>;

  protected abstract PAGE: string;
  constructor (
    protected formatService: FormatService,
    protected nameParsingService: NameParsingService,
    protected listFormatterService: ListFormatterService,
    protected fileService: FileService,
    protected logger: Logger,
    protected pageActions: PageActions,
  ) {}

  protected abstract getLatestMeasureFromFiles(files: IFileInfo[]): IMeasureUpdate;
  protected abstract calcHistory(files: IFileInfo[]): number[];


export class ValidationsDataService extends DataService {

  @select(['config', 'validationsConfig']) config$: Observable<any>;
  @select(['pages', 'validations', 'files']) files$: Observable<IFileInfo[]>;

  protected PAGE = 'validations';
  constructor (
    protected formatService: ValidationsFormatService,
    protected nameParsingService: NameParsingService,
    protected listFormatterService: ListFormatterService,
    protected fileService: FileService,
    protected logger: Logger,
    protected store: StoreService
  ) {
    super(formatService, nameParsingService, listFormatterService, fileService, 
          logger, store.actions.validationsActions);

  protected getLatestMeasureFromFiles(files: IFileInfo[]): IMeasureUpdate {

  protected calcHistory(files): number[] {
Last Updated: 9/3/2018, 8:47:06 PM