DashboardThumbnail Component
Dashboard thumbnails are the key component for the dashboard view.
- A panel for each metric
- Panels vertically stacked, mobile responsive
- Elements within panel should be vertically aligned
- Left side elements: icon and title
- Right side elements: badge with color and value, sparkline
- Click icon and title to go to detail page
- Optional auth required on link
Basic layout
Panels are implemented with bootstrap class="well well-sm"
(mobile responsive).
Aligning elements vertically
Content elements of the thumbnail are vertically aligned with {display: flex}
on the enclosing div and {margin: auto}
on the element.
Content elements can also adjust left and right margins (but not top and bottom).
div.metric {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
error-badge {
margin: auto;
margin-left: 10px;
margin-right: 10px;
Shifting elements left and right
Left-side and right-side elements are separated by a filler element, which uses CSS flex-grow to fill remaining space, thereby right-justifying following elements.
<div class="filler"></div>
div.filler {
flex-grow: 1;
Linking to detail pages
Link is implemented with routerLink attribute:
<a class="measure" [routerLink]="['/'+ measure.link ]" >`.
Auth on Task metric is implemented with a route guard in AppRoutingModule:
path: 'tasks',
canActivate: [AuthguardService],
component: TasksComponent,
data: { toastrPrompt: 'Team Tasks'}
The data attribute allows a common Authguard component to receive use-specific static data (e.g Toastr text).